If you are a Crowd Content client, you’ll notice a new option for adding funds to your account. You can now pay using your credit card directly on our platform.
Previously, we only offered PayPal as a payment solution. Although you were still able to use a credit card by checking out as a “guest” through PayPal, some clients asked us to offer a direct credit card method.
Pay with Credit Card or through PayPal
Now, when adding funds to your Crowd Content account, you will see the following screen:
If you would still like to use PayPal to fund your account, simply click the “Pay with PayPal” button and you will be taken through the same process as before.
If you want to pay with credit card, click the “Pay with Credit Card” button and you will see a form like below:
Using this form will allow you to pay with credit card without ever leaving the Crowd Content website.
100% Secure Solution from Payment Leader, Stripe
This credit card form is 100% secure and is provided by credit card payment leader, Stripe.
Stripe is used by thousands of businesses online, including several Fortune 500 companies. You can view businesses who already use Stripe in their customer gallery.
You will also notice there is a “Save Card” option on this form. This simply means that your card details will be saved on Stripe’s secure servers. When you make a future payment at Crowd Content, we will ask you if you want to use the saved card, meaning you don’t have to re-enter your card information every time you make a payment. You can easily clear the saved card at any time.
Contact Your Account Manager with Any Questions
We hope that this new payment option provides more convenience for some of our clients. If you have any questions about these updates, please don’t hesitate to contact your Client Account Manager. Thank you!