Why the New Year Calls for New Product Descriptions

New Year, New Product Descriptions

A new year is the start of many things, ushering in a period for renewed change and development. For most people, this refers to one’s personal life, but it can also extend to professional goals.

The coming of 2016 is the perfect time to spruce up your site, and your product descriptions can be a great place to start.

The Value in Product Descriptions

Product descriptions are a very important part of your content strategy.

While you know all there is to know about the products you’re selling, most visitors to your site do not. Product descriptions are a way to introduce the benefits in what you have to offer in a way that stands out, urging customers to buy from you instead of your competitors.

Rather than providing the bare basics, effective product descriptions are personal, creative, and detailed, creating an image for readers that prompts them to buy.

Identify Your Shortcomings

The best way to overhaul your product descriptions is to identify what isn’t working. Do you have a list of features rather than high-quality content detailing benefits? Are you telling your customer what a product is rather than creating a mental image of what your product has to offer?

Imagine yourself as a neutral third party, visiting your site for the first time. If your descriptions aren’t creating the experience you want, it’s time to create a plan for stepping up your ecommerce game.

Improve Search Engine Optimization

If your original product descriptions are stale or you’ve been using the manufacturer’s stock text, you may be missing out on valuable SEO benefits. Effective product descriptions can step up your SEO, making it much easier for web users to find your site when searching for what you have to offer.

ecommerce seo content


By crafting content that utilizes product SKU longtail keywords, incorporates category descriptions, and features the right combination of key phrases and words, you can boost sales while increasing web visibility.

Embrace the Power of Outsourcing

If you don’t have time to re-write thousands of product descriptions, outsourcing your content can be an excellent solution. Effective content geared at ecommerce growth is too important to rush through, making a team of freelancers a valuable option for businesses looking for big results.

Crowd Content writers make product descriptions easy, giving clients the ability to create teams of writers, place high-volume orders, and work with specialists to create powerful content that works.

Most New Year’s resolutions are of a personal nature, but that doesn’t mean you can’t resolve to step up your content game as the ball drops on 2015.

Improving your product descriptions can be a very valuable development in your ecommerce strategy, growing your business and making 2016 the best year yet for your company.

Posted in SEO

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Rachel has spent her whole whole life writing. In addition to academic pursuits throughout her education, Rachel holds a Bachelor of Arts in English with a concentration in creative writing and a Master of Accounting. She excels in in business writing, including accounting, marketing, finance, investments, and taxation.

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