5 Conversion Keys for Content Marketing


green_Content_outlinedAs we transition into 2014, content marketing continues to be a preferred method for attracting high value leads. With it, businesses are looking to maximize ROI from their content offerings.

Arguably, the biggest mistake that companies make when using content as a lead generator is forgetting about conversion optimization.

Though it’s generally not intended to spur immediate sales, your content should nevertheless aim to make near-term conversions whenever possible.

Try implementing the following tactics to reliably achieve that outcome.

1. Identify the Buyers in a Niche

It’s good PR for your brand to deliver quality information and helpful guidance without the expectation of something in return. Ultimately, that’s a big part of good content marketing.

However, you’ll see better conversion rates if you address the decision makers in your target demographic. Identifying the probable buyers in any organization and figuring out what motivates them is tricky but integral to your success.

2. Employ Target-Appropriate Tones & Styles

Once you’ve narrowed your focus and identified the decision makers that are worth catering to, you’ll need to determine the right approach to take. Some respond best to the direct approach whereas others are going to need some cajoling to make a move.

The proper tone to use will vary based on the demographic that you’re looking to score with, so be prepared to experiment.

3. Use Participation to Fine-Tune Your Message

When crafting web content that converts, it’s often helpful to include a fair amount of audience participation. Including your target demographics in the discussion accomplishes two distinct goals.

First off, it makes the content itself more valuable by including real-world users in the problem-solving process. Second, it gives content publishers valuable insights into the minds of consumers that can be used later when planning future content campaigns.

4. Include Actionable Exit Points

Without a doubt the greatest weakness of most content marketing game plans is a lack of clear-cut calls to action. Far too many choose to err on the side of caution without exploring where the line between helpful and pushy really lies.

The point here is that you need to include an unambiguous “next step” for potential customers to take if they like what they hear.

5. Focus On Consumer Retention

At the end of the day, even content marketing campaigns that boast phenomenal conversion rates won’t turn visitors into buyers overnight. That’s perfectly fine as long as you manage to keep yourself on your audience’s collective radar.

Keep consumers of your content in the fold by engaging them with social media and persuasive yet unobtrusive email reminders. Sooner or later, your persistent efforts should yield results from the more stubborn holdouts.

Taking Care of Business

The key to any fruitful content marketing strategy is striking a balance between keeping your distance and being too forward. Just because content marketing is all about carefully developing relationships doesn’t mean that you can’t make a case for yourself and your brand while you’re doing it.

As long as you’re bringing quality to the table on a consistent basis, a healthy dose of self-promotion isn’t a bad thing.


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Earl is a writer at Crowd Content and creates content for a mix of technology and mobile marketing websites. To work with Earl and other great freelance writers, create a free client account at Crowd Content today!

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