When crafting your online marketing plan for your company, remember to include a blog in the mix (this should be common knowledge today). A well-written blog can sell your service or product not only today, but also for years to come, laying the foundation for a passive income stream that needs little but fresh, relevant posts to stay active.
1. Lay down a new route to your site from the search engines.
Each new blog post has the potential to rank on the search engines. The more content you have, the better the chance that your site will contain the word sequences and content that resonate with many searchers.
2. Increase your authority with the search engines.
The search engines respect a deep pool of content, as long as that content does not contain spammy signals that make a site appear low quality. Fresh posts draw the search bots to revisit a site and explore it more deeply, giving that site new visibility and potential to rank.
3. Invite people to visit your site to read your fresh content.
Every time you post on your blog, you have a good excuse to invite your network to visit your website. Just be sure the content is fresh and adds value to your connections, so you don’t weary them with redundancy.
4. Include an organic call to action in each post.
While you have people there, looking at your web page, you need to make your pitch. Blogging about topics related to the services or products you sell will make it easy for you to include an organic call to action as part of the post.
5. Attract inbound links.
Just as each post has the potential to get noticed by the search engines, it can also attract interest from other websites. These sites may link to your page, adding to your site’s visibility in the search engines.
6. Create an email sequence that guides readers through old posts.
Once you have a library of solid blog content, you can build an email sequence that guides new subscribers through a series of your posts. This will familiarize new prospects with your message and expose them to your calls to action.
7. Demonstrate your expertise to readers.
Most of all, your blog will demonstrate to readers the depth of your expertise and the wisdom of your solutions. The more posts they read, the more familiar your voice will sound and the more responsive they will become to your offers.
A blog is a like a permanent billboard network on the Internet. If you take the time to build a solid structure in the beginning, your blog can sell your service or product for you and enable you to meet your online income goals.