Even in today’s social world, email marketing can still be an effective way to communicate with customers and get your content out to respective consumers. As with any marketing concept, there are some approaches that work and some that you should avoid if you want productive results.
While this may sound like marketing basics, it’s easy to get so wrapped up in tweets and Facebook posts that you lose focus of what it takes to put together an effective email marketing campaign.
? Do
Use Software to Sort Out Your Email Lists
Most of the online email client software on the market is affordable and helps you put together more effective lists. Some software allows you to segment email lists. You could, for instance, have one list for customers who are subscribers and another for those yet to subscribe. Each of these groups is targeted very differently.
x Don’t
Slip into Sales Pitch Mode
Blatant sales pitches are like poison when it comes to emails. Most customers – not to mention email software designed to send obvious solicitations off to the spam folder – tend to be weary of anything that comes across as an obvious marketing ploy. Stay conversational and get to the point quickly.
? Do
Use an Email Template
You can find a simple email template online or you can have a professional template created for you. If you plan to rely on email marketing for a significant part of your marketing efforts, it’s a good idea to go with a customized template. Each email you send for business purposes should include:
- Your logo/business name
- Relevant links
- Selective use of graphics to keep page load time quick
- Basic intro message to make the purpose of the email clear
x Don’t
Use Misleading Language
Don’t use half-truths – “Free Shipping,” which is really only on orders of $25 or more – or outright dishonesty just to get attention. You’ll quickly lose customers and end up either blocked or in the spam folder.
? Do
Create Clear, Concise Headlines and Content
If a customer can’t quickly identify who an email is from, they aren’t likely to even open it. Save the clever headlines for your website or blog. Headlines should clearly say what you’re sending – “Newsletter: Last Week of April” – and the email content should get right to the point.
x Don’t
Use Generic Images
Generic images that you can grab from an online search don’t look professional. Either create your own images or hire someone to create professional graphics that you can use with various email marketing campaigns.
? Do
Measure Performance and Adjust Accordingly
Just sending out emails and hoping for the best isn’t going to work. Most email providers offer various email metrics you can use to determine the effectiveness of your email marketing campaign. This gives you a chance to make adjustments to better target your emails to receptive recipients. You want to measure the following stats:
- Click through rates
- Open/unread percentages
- Conversion rates
x Don’t
Forget to Include a Call-to-action
You are not going to get conversions if you don’t include an effective call-to-action. This should be either a phone number or a link back to your website. Make it clear what the desired next step is that you want your reader to take.