It’s hard to believe it’s been 2 weeks since SMX East wrapped up in NYC.
We were there exhibiting and showing off our self-serve content marketplace as well as our fully-managed enterprise writing services.
It was a great experience for a number of reasons. We loved meeting hundreds of great folks at the conference and hearing directly what’s working well for them with SEO and PPC .
We also had the opportunity to check out a number of awesome sessions. SMX went above and beyond presenting a great lineup of speakers this year, and I’d really encourage you to check out the slides they’ve made available to see if any of the presentations can help you out.
A couple of presentations that I particularly enjoyed were:
Solving Complex SEO Problems
by Hannah Thorpe
This presentation was awesome, and I think really captured where SEO is heading. Hannah goes in-depth discussing how Google is becoming a discovery engine, versus just a search engine. Be sure to check this out for some great advice on how you can optimize for discovery as well.
SEO Diagnostics – How to Identify Complex SEO Issues
by Arsen Rabinovich
It’s probably not surprising that most of the sessions I really enjoyed were in the SEO track. Arsen did a great job with this presentation and provides a great framework for identifying and resolving SEO issues that arise. I found his section on “SEO Triage” especially valuable.
Creating High-Value City Pages That Delight Visitors and Drive Traffic
by me
I was thrilled to get the chance to talk about creating high-value city pages at this year’s SMX East. We had a great attendance, many thoughtful questions and a number of people came and chatted with us about city pages after.
The Dogs of SMX – Part Two
We first introduced our “Director of Content Barketing” dog bandannas earlier this year at SMX Advanced, and we were handing them out again at SMX East!
People seemed to love them, and we actually gave away every bandanna we brought with us. It was really fun to chat with people about our furry friends, and many of them were kind enough to send us photos of their dogs sporting their new bandannas.
Here’s the collection of photos we’ve received: