With over 20 comments in most threads, we’re seeing lots of discussion earn the Top Comments spot.
While most blog posts have a highlighted top comment at the top of the discussion area, there’s another way to find additional comments that qualify as Top Comments.
Click the comment count at the top of the thread.

Here, you will find Top Comments on the post, who posted that comment, and when the comment was posted.

From this view you will also be able to determine who is involved in the discussion. Everyone who has left a comment can be found in [7] Commenters tab.

This feature is handy if you have established a good discussion relationship with certain community members. You can use this as a quick view to see if your Community friends are involved in this particular discussion.
Plus, you also get a snapshot view of commenter’s user profile.

For example, I can see when the user was last active, how many comments they have written, and how many people they are following and how many people are following them.
Do you use this feature? Share your thoughts in the comments section below.