The Do’s and Don’ts of Metadata

Do you ever wonder how search engines find your website? There’s this thing called metadata, mysterious to many internet users, that tells search engines what’s on your website. Metadata is data that describes the content of your website. The blurb that shows up on a search engine page and on social media is metadata, but other […]

Posted in SEO

5 Tips for Optimizing Your Press Release

You have taken the time to put together a well-written press release, but aren’t getting the results you were hoping for. What could have gone wrong? One possible reason for the lack of readership could have something to do with the fact that it hasn’t been picked up by the search engines. There are plenty […]

How to Guest Blog the Right Way

Over a year ago, Google’s Matt Cutts infamously declared that guest blogging needs to be stopped because it was “becoming more and more spammy.” After this declaration, many businesses put a stop to guest blogging, while others were determined to continue submitting articles to other blog websites. So, in your opinion, should we put an […]

How to Make Your Brand Popular Using Content Marketing

In today’s constantly changing market, it’s hard for online businesses to stay well-informed and knowledgeable regarding the right ways to drive traffic to their sites. It seems as soon as everyone becomes educated about the newest SEO techniques, the rules are changed once again, costing website owners valuable time and money. This cycle of events […]

How to Improve Your SEO Using Linkedin

Everyone knows how effective social media websites like Facebook and Twitter are for SEO and branding purposes. But one underutilized website for search engine optimization is LinkedIn. Not only is it an excellent resource for connecting and networking with other professionals in your area and industry, but it is also a powerful tool when it […]

Posted in SEO

Email Drip Campaigns: How to Wow Beyond Website Content

Website content explains subjects not likely to change, like your products or services, while social media keeps your audience engaged long enough to click a link.  Don’t you want a deeper, more meaningful connection with your clients, prospects, and fans? An efficient way to forge this connection without tying up all of your resources is […]

Facebook Instant Articles: What Does It Mean for Your Strategy?

Just when you think you’ve figured out how to make Facebook’s News Feed algorithm work for your business, the social media giant shakes things up. Facebook has recently unveiled Instant Articles, and marketers are trying to decide how this is going to affect their content writing strategy. This new feature, which allows publishers to post […]

5 Simple Tips to Create Quality Content People Want to Read

Great content is all the rage for SEO and Marketing professionals right now, and for good reason. Having quality writing online, whether it’s on your website, blog, or someone else’s blog, could help boost your rankings and traffic. Of course, writing content that people want to read is easier said than done. With these ideas, […]

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