3 Ways to Stand out from Savvy Content Marketers in Your Industry

The internet is incredibly packed. There are millions of blog pages and content marketing sites and literally billions, if not trillions, of web pages total. Among that sea of words, it can be difficult to create content that consistently draws new viewers and inspires them to return regularly. Part of the reason this is so […]

5 Tips for Increasing Shares and Comments on Your Blog

The goal of content marketing is to create online content that reaches a large audience and inspires that audience to take action. Judging the success of content marketing is difficult and there are lots of metrics that have been devised for that purpose. One of the more reliable metrics is social engagement. Evidence shows that […]

Are You Feeling the Pressure of a Neglected Blog?

The Internet is filled with articles telling you how vitally important it is for your business to have a blog. In fact, you’re probably tired of reading all of those irritating ‘how to start a blog’ articles that tend to make the whole process sound about 100 times simpler than it actually is. While it […]

The Relationship Between SEO and Content Marketing

Search engine optimization (SEO) has undergone a major evolution in the past few years. Between constantly changing search engine algorithms, the increasing success of social media optimization, and the continuing success of e-mail marketing, SEO requires a greater understanding in order to provide worthwhile results. It is because SEO requires a greater understanding that it […]

Must-Know Strategies To Find and Engage Your Target Market

You know the people who’d most likely buy what your brand is selling? Those people are your target market. No matter what business you’re in, you need to know who they are. Finding them can be tough, however. And once you find them, making sure you get the right message to them is even more […]

Are Product Descriptions Ruining Your Business?

You’ve got great products, a beautiful website and an editorial calendar filled with excellent topics. You’re determined to post the most valuable content you can find from experienced freelance writers, but even with a blog full of original articles, your sales remain the same. What have you forgotten? Manufacturer’s Product Descriptions Sabotage Your Sales You’re […]

The Write Side of Content Marketing

Whenever someone talks about marketing, they immediately think of the TV commercials that we are bombarded with each evening while trying to unwind from our day.  We need to realize that we are marketing ourselves on a daily basis without ever realizing. What are you telegraphing? Much like a boxer who telegraphs their punches to […]

The Secret of Writing a Press Release that Actually Gets Read

In today’s world, lots of information is disseminated via social media. This is a platform for the type of person that wants to know that things are happening, but doesn’t want details. But there is also a type of person who wants to be informed. For this type of person, a press release is a […]

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