Capitalizing on Voice Search Traffic in 2016 and Beyond

Reliable voice recognition solutions are changing the way people search for things on the internet. There’s no need to totally rework your pages to take advantage of this development, but there are a few simple ways that you can incorporate voice search into your content creation strategies. How Does Voice Search Work? When conducting voice […]

Posted in SEO

How To Pitch an Article to a Major Publication

While content mills and copywriting provide freelancers with a steady income and constant access to work, some freelance writers choose to set out on their own and aim to get their work published in online publications and magazines as a way to supplement this more reliable income. Many people don’t realize that few magazines and […]

Refine Your Online Message With This 1 Simple Action

There’s one almost effortless step you can take to make your written words compelling, easy to read and pleasing to the eye: choosing appropriate fonts. Many content managers have neglected this task, and indeed it probably doesn’t register consciously in your visitors’ minds. Nevertheless, presenting your pages in the right fonts can made a difference […]

Why Readability Scores Could Make Your Content Better

We all know that headings, images, bullet points and other elements can make your content stand out and seem attractive, but we shouldn’t forget about the readability of the actual text itself. Overly wordy or fancy phrasing can put readers off. On the other hand, too simple a writing style may make your website appear […]

Advanced Methods for Increasing Website Traffic

So you’ve mastered SEO 101 and beginning content marketing strategies; you’re well on your way to increasing the amount of traffic your site is capable of driving, but unfortunately, as the digital economy progresses, that’s not enough. As the market becomes more and more competitive, you need to start adopting new strategies that can bring […]

Posted in SEO

What You Need To Know: Content Marketing and Content Marketing Strategy

Often at the center of much confusion is the interchanging use of the terms ‘content marketing’ and ‘content marketing strategy.’ In fact, for most people, the difference actually has little relevance. However, for those who are in charge of deciding the direction of their online marketing efforts and those who work in the industry of […]

Amazing Content: 5 Free Tools You Need for Your Writer’s Playbook

Think back to the day you decided to become a freelance writer. If you were like most freelance writers starting out, you probably thought that all you’d need was a solid writing program and a secure internet connection. Typically, it doesn’t take new freelance writers long to realize that writing great articles is as much […]

Content Creation: It’s Not Always About You!

Your content doesn’t always have to showcase your brand for your marketing campaign to see some positive results. So how exactly does someone publish great content that isn’t about themselves? Brand Content: Do Readers say Yes or No? The whole purpose of publishing information to your blog is to promote your brand. You know that and […]

5 Blog Content Research Hacks That Will Save Time

There is a lot of discussion about researching keywords and optimizing blog posts and both of those topics are key components of crafting effective content. However, the most time consuming aspect of my most powerful and convincing blogs is researching relevant and compelling support for my topic. Not only do links to high powered authorities with well […]

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