10 Tips for B2B Copywriting That Converts

Discover ways to improve your B2B copywriting and create content that attracts attention and convinces business customers to work with your company. Boost Conversions With Better B2B Copywriting Copywriting is the heart of every content marketing strategy for B2B companies. The text bears a heavy burden when you’re ranking a business website or driving traffic with […]

Grin and Bear It or Grin and Bare It?

Bearing Bare Bears? When thinking about bear vs bare, the correct answer is that it’s grin and bear it. But we’re not talking about actual grizzlies here. The verb “to bear” does come from a similar root as the animal “bear”: bher. It’s a proto-Indo-European word that roughly translates to “dark/brown animal” (possibly used for […]

Walmart Marketplace SEO: Show Up Strong in Walmart’s Marketplace

Walmart has been a giant of the retail landscape for decades, so it’s probably not surprising to you to hear that it’s the second-biggest online retail brand in the United States. Only Amazon is bigger, and one thing both businesses use to increase their reach is partnership with third-party sellers. At Walmart, that partnership comes […]

The Complete B2B Content Creation Guide

With more and more business revenue driven by leads that are generated online, the focus on B2B content creation has intensified. Smart companies realize that relevant, useful information draws potential customers into the sales funnel. While content creation for consumers—B2C—might garner more attention in the marketplace, a strong B2B content creation strategy can produce quantifiable, […]

Moving the Needle: How to Make A Press Release Newsworthy

Whether your business is a single-person startup or a multinational conglomerate, at some point you will need a quality press release. From a maxed-out crowdfunding goal to new must-have product or service, press releases are a simple, cost-effective way to get the word out about your good news. Press releases date back to the ancient […]

Ghostwriters: The Secret to Maximizing Your In-House Writing Team

You’ve got a lot of content that needs to be created, but even coffee only goes so far toward getting your in-house writing team to produce more. Ghostwriters seem like a good solution, but you’ve got concerns about upsetting the status quo. Will they “get” your company’s brand voice? Can you rely on them and […]

Is Multitasking Killing Your Freelance Career? And How to Rescue It

I used to believe I was great at doing multiple things at once and that gave me an edge over the competition, whether it was during my corporate career or my later freelance writing career. It turns out that everything I thought about multitasking was probably a myth, and the same might be true for […]

Move Over, Mr. Patel — THIS Is How to Write an Introduction

Most blog introductions on the internet suck. They’re too long, don’t say anything valuable and waste what little time I don’t actually have. And the problem seems to be getting worse, with content marketers and bloggers emulating each other — and experts — in all the wrong ways, and no one really follows good advice […]

5 Tips to Revitalize a Lagging Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketers are getting better at the job every year. North American benchmarks posted by MarketingProfs note that almost two-thirds of B2B and B2C marketers said they were more successful this year than last with their content marketing efforts. While that’s great news, it also means enterprises must work harder to keep up with the […]

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