Key Topics:
- Pros and cons of AI-generated content
- Efficacy and common misunderstandings of AI detection efficacy
- How does Google view AI-generated content / HCU updates and the rise of UGC sites
- Amazon Reviews and Capterra reviews make us question the trustworthiness of online reviews in the era of generative AI
- Content strategies that are working in Google today

Jon Gillham
Founder and CEO
Jon Gillham launched Originality.AI in November 2022 to be able to detect GPT-3 generated content (days before ChatGPT had launched).
Having been one of the earliest adopters of generative AI content for SEO purposes at scale through his agency, he understood the wave that was coming, which Chat GPT and GPT-4 have fully unleashed.
Additionally, he believed that there was a need for a modern plagiarism-checking solution that didn’t suck! One that provided scan history, detection scores, shareable results, team access etc etc… what you would expect from a modern plagiarism-checking solution.

Carlos Meza
President & CEO
Crowd Content
Carlos is a guiding voice in an SEO and content creation industry brimming with turbulent growth. As CEO of Crowd Content Media, Inc., a leading content writing platform, Carlos has leveraged his past experience as a technology executive, engineer, and corporate financier to bring innovative end-to-end content creation solutions to SMBs and enterprise clients around the globe — delivering high-quality, scalable products through the marriage of human talent, technology, automation, and artificial intelligence.