How to Communicate and Foster a Relationship with Your Freelance Writer(s)

Many businesses treat their relationship with a freelance writer like a casual date. They kind of get to know the writer and don’t really see the value in growing the relationship. That is fine if you own a business that somehow only needs the services of a freelance writer once ever, but that is rarely […]

How to Create a Social Media Plan That Builds Momentum

Social media can be a valuable content marketing tool if used right. But even the best social media plan takes time to bear fruit. You need to have patience and devise a plan based on building momentum, rather than expecting immediate results. The following tips will help you create a social media plan that builds […]

7 Content Creation Tools for a Catchy Post

Not all of us are able to create contagious content, and some are only interested in reaching out to a market niche. Yet, who’s to say you shouldn’t boost your general outreach, especially if you think it will eventually secure attention from those very specific readers you’re interested in? If you’re reading this, you undoubtedly […]

8 Simple Guidelines for Building a Powerful Blog

Blogs have rapidly become a critical part of the online marketing world. A well written blog increases the outreach of your brand and directly leads to new customers and sales. Creating a high quality blog isn’t difficult, but it does require that you obey certain guidelines. If you are looking to build a better blog […]

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