Research Studies Every Content Marketer Should Read in 2017

In the rapidly changing field of content marketing, it’s important to stay on top of the small permutations in the marketplace that can be the harbingers of larger shifts to come. Take a look at the most recent studies from 2017 that provide a fascinating window on what’s happening in content marketing right up to […]

How to Use Content Marketing Automation When You’re on Vacation

Summer has traditionally been the season for hitting the beach, running away to the mountains or just taking the phone off the hook and relaxing at home. Social media doesn’t go on vacation, however, and taking a break in your content marketing might significantly hurt the brand you’ve spent years carefully building up. Without regular […]

3 Things You Have to Get Right For Successful Infographics

If a picture is worth a thousand words, the infographic is priceless. Strong infographics combine punchy, relevant written content with appealing graphics that paint a statistical picture or answer a specific question in multiple ways. With almost a third of brands using infographics or similar original images in their content as of 2016, it’s not […]

Who Are My Facebook Followers, and How Do I Engage Them?

With an average of 1.28 billion active daily users, Facebook is a content marketer’s dream. Having an active social media presence on Facebook is an efficient, economical way to draw attention to your blog, but sometimes posting there can feel like shouting into the void —even when you have thousands of Facebook followers. Step up […]

3 Powerful Content Marketing Metrics You Have to Be Monitoring

Spend a bit of time getting friendly with Google Analytics, and you’ll see how easy it is to lose yourself in content marketing metrics. From Analytics to Twitter reports, measuring content marketing performance can be accomplished many ways. Ironically, this means many companies don’t truly measure much at all. Even if you collect all the […]

Posted in SEO

Crowd Content Platform – Base Features

Dashboard Your Dashboard makes it easy and quick to see what’s happening with your recent content orders. Recent Activity Easily view recent activity on your account. We’ve added intuitive icons that tell you when orders are placed, picked up by writers, dropped by writers, or ready for review. Simply hover over an activity item to […]

3 Reasons Your Blog May Not Get the Traffic You Want

Blogging offers an effective way to get your content in front of your target market. A regularly updated blog can increase brand awareness, drive sales and let you or your business engage with customers. However, it doesn’t always help you increase website traffic. A blog doesn’t do you any good without traffic. It’s like giving a speech […]

How to Develop Buyer Personas to Create Powerful Content

When it comes to targeting your content to the right potential customers or clients, developing buyer personas is an essential step. In fact, a full 63 percent of savvy marketers create their content with specific buy personas in mind. Without well-defined buyer personas, your writers and content developers are left guessing who their audiences are. […]

5 Reasons Content Marketing Fails

You might have crowned content as king in your marketing organization, but that doesn’t mean the kingdom will be successful. Many factors contribute to a content marketing strategy that wins, and an equal number of things can cause your content to fall flat with audiences. Here are five common reasons for content marketing fails. 1. […]

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