Unconventional Marketing: Get Noticed in Today’s Crowded Markets

Regaining the Competivite Edge In today’s fast-paced business world in the age of the Internet, doesn’t it seem like many businesses have lost their competitive edge?  There are a lot of companies offering very worthwhile products and services. However, they can’t seem to win over a skeptical consumer because the message is being diluted because […]

Advanced Methods for Increasing Website Traffic

So you’ve mastered SEO 101 and beginning content marketing strategies; you’re well on your way to increasing the amount of traffic your site is capable of driving, but unfortunately, as the digital economy progresses, that’s not enough. As the market becomes more and more competitive, you need to start adopting new strategies that can bring […]

Posted in SEO

Content Strategy in a Digital and Video-Focused World

You’ve heard the news time and time again. Facebook, Twitter, and Google have all gone the way of video. If you plan to market and do well on social media, you’ll need to incorporate video components and other digital media. But, does that mean you shouldn’t have an effective and well-thought out content strategy? Is […]

Marketing to Millennials Won’t Work Unless You Try This

Marketers often get overly confident when considering an audience of millennials, the group that increasingly makes up the lion’s share of modern, digital consumers. It’s often thought the way to engage with a more digital audience is a simple ramp up in social media, but as some brands have shown, it’s not as easy as […]

Facebook 360: What It Is and How It Could Help Online Marketers

Facebook 360 is an innovative, captivating and stunning way that content creators and publishers share their stories and experiences with their fans. It is interactive in that as the video plays you can turn the device or move your finger within the video to explore every angle. Facebook 360 has been described as the next […]

4 Ways Bad Content Can Hurt Your Marketing ROI

The public praise of content marketing is difficult to ignore: one set of data suggests that a brand that publishes 15 new blog posts per month will see 1200 new leads per month, on average. Somewhere along the way, however, marketers are taking this to mean that simply posting a blog or two a week is […]

How To Optimize Your Landing Page for Conversions

Your online presence is crucial for any marketing strategy. Your website, in particular, is often the first thing potential customers see when they encounter your brand online. It’s no secret your site plays a big role in driving conversions. And yet, many brands neglect the holy grail of web conversions: landing pages. Landing pages are […]

Posted in SEO

Twitter and Content Marketing: Dying or Holding Strong?

For years, Twitter has been one of the top social media sites for viral online marketing content. In fact, Twitter is still the 4th most popular social media site in the whole of the United States. However, there is a line of thought today that Twitter is a dying cause for content marketers and that […]

Is it Viable to Pursue Long Form Content?

You’ve probably heard conversation about the decrease in human attention span, but to what extent is the damage? In 2015, research was published that found goldfish to have a higher attention span than the average human. The rise in use of smartphones, and sudden boom in prevalence of short form media like Twitter and Buzzfeed […]

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