[Community Talk] How to Get Featured and Find Articles Relevant to You

Lately I’ve got a lot of questions from the writer community about the Writers Hub Section of the blog. This article examines how you can find articles on the topic freelance writing and how you can be a featured author on the Crowd Content blog. What is Writers Hub? Writer Hub is an area of the […]

8 Content Practices That You Need to Stop Now

Numerous content marketing experts have been blogging about the New Year and making predictions on how this marketing strategy will be affected. It is no surprise that, across the board, most of these experts say bad will be the biggest pitfall for businesses in 2016. Google loves fresh content, giving better ranking to websites that consistently […]

Why Is It Important for Brands to Start the Conversation?

Online communities are shaping up to be the wave of the future and while that may sound like a cliché, it’s actually all too true. It used to be that your business needed to get a website in order to get business. Then, you needed to get on social media. Now? Well, now you should […]

3 Ways to Get the Most Out of an Online Community

Many organizations have found that integrating their business with an online community can drive interest in their content and products. Whether the community in question exists in a public space, such as through social media, or in a more private setting operated by the organization, here are three tips to getting the most out of […]

5 Types of Blog Posts You Should Publish in 2016

Every year, content marketing changes and content marketing stays the same. Keeping up with it all can be more than a little confusing, huh? In the hopes of achieving reader engagement and building an impressive following, most marketers will be publishing daily and weekly blog posts in 2016. How can you be sure all of that […]

How to Start a Successful Online Community in 5 Steps

Starting an online community is something that has the potential to skyrocket your corporation or business by bringing together your clientele or followers. However, for many, it is also a daunting project. Not to worry, in these 5 easy steps we will share how you can start an online community and get it off the […]

4 Content Marketing Challenges That Can Be Solved Today

Every industry involves unique challenges. Content marketing is no exception to this rule. If anything, the challenges in content marketing are even more unique, because they are often changing year to year. Conquering those challenges are the path to success. Start 2016 right by conquering the following four challenges today. 1. Finding Compelling Images is […]

How to Build a Powerful Twitter Bio

Building your brand on Twitter is all about making the best first impression. What do people see, read and perceive in the first seven seconds when they come across your Twitter bio? That first glance could make or break your brand. It’s the difference between whether someone follows, or clicks in another direction. Be boring or leave […]

Find Your Target Audience with this 4 Step Formula

A classic digital marketing tip is to know your audience. But who is your audience? Some businesses have no idea. Others think they know, but are sadly mistaken and losing out on valuable revenue. Knowing your market is a big part of effective content marketing, and the sooner you find out, the more effective your strategies will […]

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