For a fledgling ecommerce company, building the kind of content necessary to grow an online reputation can seem daunting, especially if writing isn’t your strong suit. Between website content, blog posts, social media posts, and product descriptions, it’s easy to feel like you can’t surpass the roadblocks that can arise on a quest for quality […]
The popular social media sharing network, Pinterest, often leads users to cluttered and disorganized boards. When using Pinterest for promotional purposes, organization is a must. As potential followers and supporters visit different boards, they tend to spend more time on those that are organized and those that have a personal touch to them. These four tips will […]
Everyone wants content that’s meaty. You never go in and ask for the smallest burger with the driest piece of meat. You want all the fixins’. When content is meaty, meaning when it has the right amount of links, sharable information, tips, pointers and ideas, it’s viable. It’s like that hot new emoji everyone is […]
Not all of us are able to create contagious content, and some are only interested in reaching out to a market niche. Yet, who’s to say you shouldn’t boost your general outreach, especially if you think it will eventually secure attention from those very specific readers you’re interested in? If you’re reading this, you undoubtedly […]
If you are running a business that employs even a single person other than yourself, the best way to ensure a consistent brand voice is to appoint an online content manager. An online content manager is a person that creates and enforces a policy that guides online interactions your company has with the public. A […]
Most freelance writers or services will sell website content to a site owner, passing rights along to the business. This means that businesses are owners of content, and must understand a few key points regarding content. Understanding these terms will help not only choose the right content, but also the right writer. Content Marketing At […]
If you use content to promote your business, you know that the content marketing landscape is ever-changing and increasingly crowded. In this competitive environment, it takes more effort to get in front of your target customers. Content intelligence enables you to work smarter, not harder, so you can improve quality and scale efficiently. What Is […]
Tired of having potential customers scroll past your business? Blogging for local SEO is the cornerstone of a winning content marketing strategy for businesses with a physical location. It’s your chance to position yourself as a trusted authority in your niche and community — and to appear in prime position in local searches. When done properly, […]
Before the advent of Google Panda, online marketing relied heavily on building links by any means necessary. Thousands of websites existed simply to be used for backlinks to boost SEO. And, it worked. Any link was a good link, and they all helped to build page rank. Today, thankfully, the rules have changed. Quality Links Now […]