Christmas Present: Free Content Creation Tools!

It takes time and work to produce content that’s consistently high-quality, and smart content producers understand the value of finding the right content creation tools needed to reduce their workloads without diminishing the value that their websites deliver to loyal readers. Whether you’re looking to attract new eyeballs to a site or keep the current […]

How the New Yorker Uses Blog Writing to Drive Sales

As a form of content marketing, blog writing has a very specific advantage: it keeps your content fresh. In fact, the majority of blogs are updated as often as once per day, which is basically more fresh than any platform other than social media. Fresh marketing content is particularly good at keeping readers engaged. Thus, […]

How to Engage with Your Audience: A Writer’s Perspective

This is my first blog post on here; I’ve been on Crowd Content for a couple of months now, and I’ve taken a lot of the various nuggets of wisdom that are in the blogs on board. I’m currently in the process of writing my first novel, and so writing and the idea of how to create […]

Tell A Story – Reasons Why Storytelling is On The Rise in Content Marketing

Think about meeting someone for the first time, and consider the avenue the conversation wanders down; eventually, you’ll find the question, “What do you do?” This is quite possibly the toughest question posed to online copywriters, because it’s hard to explain exactly what we do. When I respond to this question, I always say, “You […]

How to Write Engaging SEO Content

As the Internet grows up, so do SEO content writing services – gone are the days of ‘keyword stuffing’ and illegible, gibberish-filled articles. Top search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo! all reward high-quality content with higher SERP rankings, and more importantly, your readers demand valuable, engaging content. Jeff Bullas states that content publishers have […]

A Guide to Writing a Great Press Release

At one point in time, a press release writer only needed to post a well-written press release in a few conspicuous places to effectively reach their target audience. Today’s consumer is highly selective with how and where they receive information. By understanding the different attributes of a press release, as well as how to market […]

SEO Best Practices: Focus on Audience, Not Algorithm

By now, it is clear that a business’s marketing strategy should include a strong social media presence. While technology has changed many aspects of how we market products and services, traditional wisdom still applies. Long term success comes when you strive to build and maintain relationships with your customers. Your content marketing strategy should focus […]

Posted in SEO

5 Time-saving Tips for White Paper Writers

White papers are a highly effective marketing tool that, when done correctly, can relay content that is rich in information. Whether you are writing the white paper yourself, or hiring a professional writer to create an effective white paper, you can: Provide valuable information about current events and how they affect your company Present new […]

Make Sure Copywriting Service Providers Focus on Conversion

Finding a successful copywriting service provider for your needs isn’t as difficult as one may think. Keep in mind some simple but important keys to evaluate your perspective copywriter. To know whether or not your copywriter is good at focusing on converting the leads generated to sales, ask yourself these questions: Does the writer know […]

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