Web Content Resources: How to Tell a Story

Story telling is an age old activity. Before the written word, verbal history was handed down generation after generation. Even in our day of over stimulation and information overload, there is something about engaging the imagination of your reader that will endear them to you. If you can capture their imagination, their heart, you will […]

3 SEO Content Tools to Help You Rank in Search

Most folks who operate a website today are savvy enough to appreciate the value of focusing on creating quality on-page content as part of their SEO efforts, but it’s also important for site operators to utilize tools that can help their sites rank better in search engine results pages. Here are three SEO content tools […]

Posted in SEO

9 Steps to a Promising Freelance Career

In today’s high tech society, more and more people are turning to a career in freelance writing. Sounds easy, right? Think again. Use these tips to help make your freelance career is on the right track to success. 1. Make a Business Plan The first step you should make as a freelance writer is to make a business plan. You […]

Content Marketing Tips: What We Learned

A recent survey conducted by Hubspot on the difference, at least perceived by marketing gurus and sales agents, between content marketing and their now well-known phrase they coined, “Inbound Marketing” has several others experts in the field expressly in opposition of their findings. I look at ‘inbound marketing’ as a way of marketing and content […]

Creating SEO Content That Inspires Action

One of the biggest challenges that confronts any SEO content creation campaign is finding a style of content that is search engine-friendly, is readily shared on social media and does more than simply drive a flood of traffic. The goal of any SEO campaign should be to draw the most direct line possible between a […]

Are SEO Content Writing Services Worth It Post-Hummingbird?

Over the past few years, Google has worked hard to maintain its reputation as the number one search engine in the world. A large part of their success can be attributed to their ability to adapt to how users search for the information they need. This adaptation has sparked the release of several algorithm updates, […]

Posted in SEO

5 Content Marketing Resources to Help You Reach Customers

Here is a quick list of five content marketing resources and techniques to help you get more out of your content efforts! 1. Identify your target customer It sounds a bit cliché, but you have to ‘be your customer’. Tapping into the cultural ethos, as described in a blog post on getting followers to amplify […]

5 Resources to Keep You Up to Date With SEO

Keeping up with SEO is the marketer’s biggest challenge, so it can be daunting to decide which resources will work best when finding the newest, most reliable SEO updates. Luckily, there are five sites that are “must follows” for all marketers trying to stay in the know with SEO. 1. Google Webmaster Central Blog Of […]

How Consistent Blog Writing Drives Your Content Strategy

By now, you are surely familiar with the value and purpose of blog writing. Essentially an online journal, a blog allows your company to quickly and easily relay information. Simply log in, tell your readers about a product, service or idea, post it and you’re done. Blog writing is a powerful marketing tool for your […]

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