Satisfying the Appetite of Web Users with a Hunger for Fresh Content

There’s no doubt about it, web users have an insatiable appetite and hunger for fresh, relevant content. Every day, people all over the world connect to the world-wide-web in search of fresh content. Content that is new, content that is educational, content that connects them with a new product or service, content that will make […]

Feature Friday: Crowd Content Referral Program

Crowd Content is excited to announce our first ever refferal program! Once you are in the referral tab, you will have access to a unique link. You can share this link on your social media, website, or via email with your friends.  You can track your referrals in the My Referrals tab from within your […]

Feature Friday: How to Use Team and Direct Orders

This week on Feature Friday, Scott, Account Manager, demonstrates how you can use open, team, and direct orders. Open orders allow you to send your content order out to all qualified writers. For example, if you placed an open order for three star quality content, your order can be picked up by any three or four star writer on […]

Why User Generated Content is King

Nearly 80% of online content is user generated. What does that mean? User generated content includes things like blogs, videos, and forums that are written and created by “end users.” This is different from content you create yourself or hire content writers to create. If you are a business, these are your customers! Not only […]

Feature Friday: How to Order Tweets | Part 2 of 2

This week is the second part to a two part Feature Friday series. Steve, developer, demonstrates how easy it is to integrate your Crowd Content social content orders into your Hootsuite dashboard. Hootsuite is a leading social media dashboard that allows you to quickly and easily upload, distribute, and manage you social media content.  The […]

Everything You Need To Know To Avoid Burnout as a Freelancer

It’s hard for freelance writers to turn down work, but too much stress can impact your health and productivity. Read on for tips to avoid burnout as a freelancer. Freelancing comes with plenty of perks: You can choose your projects, set your own hours and work wherever you like. Yet the same flexibility that makes […]

Keyword Optimizations for the Modern SEO Technician

Once the holy grail of SEO, attaining top organic SERPs results has lost some of its luster in favor of social media currency. People seem to forget that keyword optimization is still a worthwhile pursuit that can make a big difference. While the basics of keyword optimization haven’t changed much over the years, there are […]

5 Must Knows for Image Marketing

The extraordinary rise of Instagram, Pinterest and Snapchat wasn’t the result of happenstance. Nowadays, visual marketing is becoming big business due to its extraordinary potential. According to a study by KISSmetrics, photo-augmented content gets 53% more Facebook Likes and 84% more click-throughs than mere text. The reality is that images can double page views overnight. If you’d like to successfully leverage […]

Finding the Right Email Marketing Software

The right email marketing software can be an effective force when it comes to generating more traffic to your site, blog or social media platforms. While each email marketing software provider is unique in one way or another, most email marketing software provides the same basic tools and functions. The key is to choose the features that […]

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