The Complete Guide to Using Hashtags to Boost Your Content Marketing

Content creation and hashtags — when you’re talking about social media strategy, these terms need to be on the top of your mind. You already know that in order to be successful, social posts need to be built around high-quality, valuable content that gets people talking, but you can’t rely on social shares alone to […]

How to Find and Succeed With Freelance Copywriting Jobs

With industry giants and mom-and-pop shops alike generating larger and larger percentages of their sales online, more opportunities are opening up for freelance copywriters. For many writers, freelancing is the dream: creating your own schedule, writing in your pajamas, ditching that awful rush-hour commute. Still, jumping into the freelance waters can be like plunging headfirst into […]

Tips for Getting Amazing Results with Content Outsourcing

Producing great content is a necessary part of digital marketing, but staying competitive takes a lot of work. Here’s how outsourcing can help. Content marketing is constantly evolving, and it’s not going away. It’s now one of the pillars of a business’s overall digital marketing efforts. If you want to be found online, you need […]

Qualitative Keyword Research: How to Invest 10 Minutes into Your Content Marketing Process & See Your Content Rise to the Top of Google

Keyword research is an integral component of any content marketing strategy; it ensures your content is relevant to your audience and acts as the foundation of your SEO efforts by providing insights into which phrases have the most search volume. That in turn guides you to in creating effective SEO content that will rank highly and […]

Google’s Webmaster Guidelines: What Can You Learn to Help Future-Proof Your Content for Algorithm Updates

Updates intended to improve the engine’s search results are implemented daily, although they’re often small enough to go unnoticed. Several times a year, however, Google makes more significant changes to its search algorithms and systems in its efforts to deliver relevant content in billions of daily searches.  Our post on Google’s June algorithm update dives […]

Posted in SEO

Moving the Needle: How to Make A Press Release Newsworthy

Whether your business is a single-person startup or a multinational conglomerate, at some point you will need a quality press release. From a maxed-out crowdfunding goal to new must-have product or service, press releases are a simple, cost-effective way to get the word out about your good news. Press releases date back to the ancient […]

Email Copywriting: Tips for Mastering a Profitable Niche

The next time someone tells you email marketing is on the way out, remind them that people said the same thing about avocado toast and bacon-wrapped everything, and my breakfast plans haven’t changed one bit. Email copywriting may not be the newest niche on the block, but there’s a reason the practice is still thriving, […]

7 Expert Tips for Advertising Copywriting

Never clean your kitchen again! Germs begone! Make it all sparkle! Clean once and you’re done with this hated household chore when you buy the Magic Mop and Sop Kit. You know what doesn’t convert today? Bad ad copy. And that doesn’t mean poorly written copy — the ad above is grammatically correct and even […]

A Detailed Look At What Makes Web Content Well-Optimized for Voice Search

“Alexa, why is voice search so important for online marketing today?” Ask her this, and she’ll probably return a featured snippet answer including at least one statistic about voice search and local SEO. The two are becoming integral to each other as more people turn to voice assistants to find the best burger in town, […]

Posted in SEO

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