13 Types of Blog Posts to Fire Up Your Readers (And Your Editorial Calendar)

The secrets to winning with blog post marketing aren’t really secret. The keys to the conversion kingdom tend to be quality content at a consistent publishing schedule. But after weeks, months or years of publishing, simply keeping pace with your posting schedule can be daunting. One reason for that is blogger burnout. Whether you’re an […]

6 Content Marketing Tips That Ensure You’re Following Best Practices for 2019

Connecting with your audience is hard. Building relationships is even harder. Converting those readers into loyal customers can seem so daunting it makes a career change or at least an indefinite sabbatical in the Antarctic look downright reasonable.  Running is for the weak, though, and you’re the kind of ambitious and determined go-getter that’s ready […]

What is Copywriting and What Are Its Best Practices for 2023?

Technically, copywriting occurs whenever you create content for promotional, advertising or marketing materials. Your blog posts, social media posts and Google text ads are all copy. So is the content in marketing emails, case studies, catalogs and website landing pages, because these are all tools meant to market or sell your products or brand. But […]

Google’s June 2019 Core Update: What You Need to Know

Google’s broad core updates in early June have left some brands staggering in the wake of lost traffic. Some of the ramifications of the update weren’t a surprise for those following trends in the wake up the previous Medic update, but a shake-up in the SERPs is always a game of Russian roulette for companies […]

How to Find a High-Performing B2B Copywriter That Drives Results

There’s a lot at stake when crafting content for business audiences. Your copy has to stand out from the competition, establish your expertise, and convert leads into loyal customers. That’s a big ask for a collection of words, but a savvy B2B copywriter can get it done without breaking a sweat. Writers skilled at business-to-business […]

What Freelancers Need to Know About Writing Amazon Product Descriptions

Amazon has an enormous share of the American eCommerce market. In 2018, the retail giant was controlling just under half the industry, capturing 49% of eCommerce and 5% of all retail spending for the nation. Those numbers include third-party sellers on Amazon, as well as direct sales from the giant itself. As of 2019, more than 5 million sellers hawked their […]

How Can PR Support Your Content Marketing Strategy?

News flash: Press releases aren’t the outdated rotary phones of marketing you may think they are. While it’s true we no longer rely solely on PRs to let journalists know about an event or appearance, we’ve found a new use for these handy pieces of communicatory collateral. Learning how press releases support your content marketing […]

Benefits of Freelance Writing as Told By Top Content Writers

Calling all aspiring freelance writers! You can make money online by crafting website content, blog posts, e-books, and social media posts. What’s the catch? If you’re a strong writer willing to put in the necessary work, there isn’t one.  But there are plenty of benefits. Have you ever dreamed of working in your PJs from […]

Want Success With Local Landing Pages? Learn How to Avoid These Pitfalls

There are now some 3.5 billion people across the planet who are lucky enough to have internet access. That’s a whopping 45% or so of the population. The advent of the world wide web has led to unprecedented globalization, but as businesses expand their reach, they’re also learning about the power of local SEO. Most […]

Posted in SEO

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